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Today’s young people are tomorrow’s adults. This is the reason why the promotion of youth is a particularly responsible task of the district council of Lower Franconia. The Jugendbeirat, a committee of the district council of Lower Franconia, promotes the interests of the Lower Franconian youth. It supports the Bezirksjugendring of Lower Franconiaexterner Link and makes as major contribution towards financing the youth education centre in Würzburg.

“All young people deserve their own voice. That is why we enable growth according to their diverse interests and participation in social decisions.”

This is the guiding principle of the Bezirksjugendring of Lower Franconia (link) as a working group of the youth associations in Lower Franconia. The management and representation of interests in the field of youth policy lie within the Honorary Board. It is supported by the administrative office and the youth education centre of Lower Franconia in fulfilling its tasks.

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Bezirk Unterfranken
Silcherstraße 5
97074 Würzburg
Tel: 0931 7959-0
Fax: 0931 7959-3799